Branding, packaging and copywriting for Pipcorn’s line of family friendly popcorn. Doesn’t get much more fun than spaceships and peace signs, kids.
My Role: Sole Designer, Copywriter
Packaging design and visual identity for Taco Bell. You haven’t had a chalupa until it was made by Taco Bell’s head chef in their test kitchen, y’all.
My Role: Lead Designer
Creative Director: Brian Steele
Additional Designers: Sam Thrush, Brian Steele
Logo and packaging design for Kiva Confection’s new line of cannabis-infused mints.
My Role: Lead Designer
Creative Director and Designer: Christopher Simmons
Done for MINE™
Packaging refresh for the iconic Haagen-Dazs. Rough project to be lactose intolerant on.
My Role: Design, Art Direction, Portfolio Architecture
Creative Director, Lead Designer: Brian Steele
Design Director: Anne Vascheto
Illustrator: Luke Bott
Photography: Sara Remington
Stylist: Kim Kissling
Production: Wally Wok
Done at CBA
Illustration and page design for Jude Stewart’s book about patterns.
My role: Illustration, Design
Creative Direction and Cover Design: Oliver Munday
Done with OMG
Logo, packaging and branding design for Dutchman’s Flat. This one required a lot of “research”.
My role: Lead Design
Creative Director: Christopher Simmons
Done at MINE™
Packaging and logo design for Three Trees Almond Milk. It’s worth the 7 dollars.
Done with Olio
Full credits coming soon
Logo and branding for design agency SLATE.
My Role: Lead Design
Creative Direction and Design: Brian Steele